Family Gathering

Blending Family Traditions During The Holidays

Traditions and holidays go together like a well-crafted holiday dinner. They are the foundation of family and the backbone of the human experience. The definition of the word ‘tradition’ is the passing down of customs and stories from generation to generation. They are routines you take care of and holding tight to that can define a family. It’s important to take note of these and seamlessly blend or modify them together as your family expands.

The best tradition during the holidays is spending time with family, but sometimes it can be hard to change the traditions you are so accustomed to. It can be a challenge to let go of what is comfortable to make room for new and different customs. Getting along with family during the holidays should be enjoyable for everyone involved, making memories you’ll cherish for years.

Happy Family Brings Happy Traditions

Family decorating the Christmas Tree

It is important to always figure out something that works for everyone. Whether that means compromising by adding something new or even taking something away. Knowing not just you, but your whole family will have a great time during the holiday celebrations is what family is about. A happy family brings happy traditions. 

Don’t worry about the small stuff. Sometimes the little things that are easy to change can be the hardest because you’re already set in your comfort zone. However, traditions are only good if they benefit everyone as a full family unit rather than one or a couple of individuals. Once it gets to that point, it isn’t a tradition of the family anymore. So, it is a great practice to make sure everyone feels love and validated within the family’s customs.

Expanding Your Family and Your Customs

Expanding the company you care for, both young and old, means the blending of habits. For anyone with adult children, this can mean bringing in the addition of a partner or them having children of their own. The phrase may be ‘the more the merrier’, but it isn’t always that easy. If your child has their own children to take care of during the holidays, it means they will begin to expand their own traditions, leaving you to adjust to a new ritual. 

Family holding hands around the dinner tableFor example, a family whose tradition is to have their celebration on Christmas morning might now have adult children who have their own families to think about. Christmas then is celebrated on the evening before or perhaps rotated from family to family each year. Some families go about this by spending Thanksgiving with grown children and for Christmas having them spend it with their spouse’s family. The next year, it switches around, giving each family the love and attention they need for all their traditions.

Always Make Room For Family

Making room for an expanding family is important, and finding new ways to celebrate can be fun and exciting. Keeping an open mind for the love of your family can be a great way to make each individual happier in the long run. This holiday, remember to put aside the small things to make room for new (and just as important) traditions.

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